Patch Testing Appointments
How long does Patch Testing take?
A patch test takes four to seven days to complete, requiring you to come into our office for three to four different appointments.
Due to our office schedule, we require advance notice to schedule you.
What will happen during the appointment?
When the time of your appointment comes, we will place the plastic patches on your back and instruct you on how to take care of them.
Please wear something comfortable to your appointment, but you will be asked to take your shirt off, so please do not wear a one piece outfit to your appointment.
How many appointments will Patch Testing Require?
3-4 appointments.
After the patches are placed, you will come back for your second appointment two days later to have the patches removed.
The third appointment will be one day after the patches are removed, where the doctor can then advise you on what you are allergic to and how to avoid those items.
**If the doctor feels that you need to come back for one more visit, that appointment will be made on the seventh day after the patches were placed.**